Group Insurance Alberta


Working with several different associations and employers in varying industries, Action Insurance Group can provide incredible rates for group home and auto insurance.

Alberta’s challenging economic times can mean a reduction to employee benefits with some employers. Having group insurance provides a fantastic means of providing savings to your members and employees. It comes at no cost to an employer and requires very basic administrative involvement to administer.

We work diligently with employers, associations and unions to provide employees and members alike the benefits of group buying power. We have secured deals with several insurers to save you money while still providing industry leading insurance products and quality service.

Competing For Your Business

Using the power of group buying, we are able to negotiate amazing rates with large insurers which can potentially save your group members up to 20% savings upon joining.

group insurance calgary alberta

Are Group Programs Right for You?

Chances are your employer may already belong to a group through one of it’s associations or memberships. To find out if you qualify personally or to get more information and details on the Action Insurance Group’s offerings, contact us today!

Our Strategic Partners

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What our customers are saying after they took action on their car insurance …

I saved so much money that I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy. I was so thrilled.

Susan B.

I am thrilled with the services of Action Insurance.  Thank you Myles for saving me $400 buck!

Susan B.

I decided to Take Action!, and boy am I glad I did!

Susan B.